
Eclipse Flagellants and Biblical Illiteracy

Why am I amazed at all the apocalyptic exaggeration over the coming Eclipse? Some pronouncements are nonsense, and many more are entirely ignorant of hermeneutics and the Word of God. Some of the purveyors of the eclipse rage are profiteers, some are sincerely zealous without knowledge, some have been scammed, and some are faithful Christians hopeful that this could be the day of His return.

Why should I be amazed? I remember the days when people claimed to be getting gold teeth fillings from angels with tiny crosses on the fillings. I heard the excitement about this while a young pastor in the Philippines.  Of course, in the same city on Good Friday, some had themselves nailed to a cross to demonstrate their devotion to God. That was real; I saw it. I saw the young men march down the street in blood-drenched white trousers while beating their bare backs to a bloody pulp for penance for their sins. If only they understood the Scriptures, Jesus took the stripes for them. How ignorant, even though sincere, we can become when untethered from the Scriptures.

This may not be a popular or populist blog today, but Eclipse Flagellants seem just as misguided. The whipping of themselves and others into a frenzy over numbers, town names, Scriptures out of context, and just plain nonsense. All along, science and nature have said that this is a natural, predictable phenomenon. Consider the following facts:

  1. The solar eclipse will impact a small segment of the world.
  2. There are between two and five solar eclipses each year, with a total eclipse occurring every 18 months or so on the Earth. If one narrows the place of a total eclipse, it may take as many as 400 years to see two.  https://bit.ly/eclipse180
  3. The solar eclipse will not be seen in Israel and Palestine.
  4. It is not supernatural. It attests to the wondrous and meticulous creation of our LORD and is a sign that He is in control of the universe, as He controls the rising and the setting of the sun. It is like every day, a day to acknowledge His Lordship.

    What Jesus says about the end

    Yes, I believe God can use an eclipse, a natural disaster, and even a whisper to speak to us. Yes, I believe the eclipse may be an emotional and even spiritual experience for some. Yes, I believe God is alive and well and still performs miracles. But I mostly believe Jesus when He says:

    “But about that day or hour no one knowsnot even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. (Matthew 24:36, NIV)
    In our Lord’s telling of the rich man and Lazarus:
    27 “He answered, ‘Then I beg you, father, send Lazarus to my family, 28 for I have five brothers. Let him warn them, so that they will not also come to this place of torment.’
    29 “Abraham replied, ‘They have Moses and the Prophets; let them listen to them.’
    30 “‘No, father Abraham,’ he said, ‘but if someone from the dead goes to them, they will repent.’ 31 “He said to him, ‘If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.’” (Luke 16, NIV)


    They will spiritualize what doesn’t materialize.

    As in my last blog, I end with the same encouragement:

    My appeal to you is to relax. Read your Bible. Use this time to discuss the wondrous creation of our Lord and the necessity of receiving Him into our lives. Many will make fools of themselves during this time; however, there will be little accountability. They will spiritualize what doesn’t materialize.

    They will wait for the big, almost total solar eclipse heading toward Jerusalem on August 2, 2027. There will be lots of books, lots of numbers, and lots of words. Just be still and anchor yourself in His Word.

    May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13

    Your friend in Christ,

    James D. Allen


    Dr. Allen served as a seminary VP, pastor, and as a trustee on a Christian mental health Board. He has earned a BA, MA, MA Biblical Counseling, Doctor of Ministry. Dr Allen has also preached on 5 continents, lived in 3 nations, and so has a diverse Christian experience. He has a distinguished career of being a pastor, consultant, author, and educator. MY FIRST LOVE--Being a Pastor and encouraging others!

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